Hospitalists are inpatient doctors –The most basic definition of a Hospitalist is “a physician who works in the hospital all day.” MiM Hospitalists are much more than that. Our Denver hospitalists offer you and your family a dedicated physician-focused on their progress through the hospital system, while maintaining concern for your health as a whole. When you are ready to go home, we facilitate that. We communicate with your primary care provider, any specialists you need, and help you schedule appointments before you leave.
We have been honored to care for you.
MiM Hospitalists are not able to order medications or refills after discharge — Please understand that though we would like to help, it is simply not safe for our physician to order you a medication that we cannot monitor. Therapy, Oxygen, and Home Health visits also need monitoring by your PCP. In most cases, your Primary Care Physician or specialist must complete prior authorizations and paperwork on your behalf. We cannot see outpatients — none of our physicians have an outpatient clinic.
Always Dial 911 in an emergency. Don’t wait. If you have a question or a need that is not emergent, Call your PCP. MiM Hospitalists only see patients in the hospital–we cannot see outpatients, or take phone calls for patient questions after discharge.
After your discharge, all refills need to be ordered and monitored by your Primary Care Physician or the specialist who follows you for that condition. MiM Hospitalists cannot refill medications after discharge. If your prescriptions require prior authorization, call your PCP office.
Once you leave the hospital, your records remain there. None of your records are kept in the MiM Administrative Offices — they stay in the care of the Hospital, where your care was provided. Your Primary Care Provider will receive a copy, and you can request one as well. The Intermountain Health Hospitals have a single number for medical records: 855-821-0591.
MiM is proud to have been a part of your care. You will receive a separate bill for any remaining amounts, after your insurance pays the claim. If you have any questions, please call 720-245-6080. If we are unable to answer, please leave a detailed message and we will return your call. Your understanding of your billing responsibilities is important to us, and we want to answer questions if that is needed.
Do you need to speak to our Administrative Office?
Send us an email using this form: Contact Us
Or give us a call, 303-825-4646 or 720-245-6080 for billing questions. Remember, always dial 911 for Emergencies and call your PCP for any medical need after discharge.
Having a Primary Care Physician (PCP) keeps you healthier over the decades of your life.
Establish with one, build a relationship and enjoy better health. If you need resources to find a PCP, see below:
For the nearly 200 providers and over 40 clinic locations of our primary care network, affiliated with Intermountain Health and our four Peaks Region Hospitals.
For the Physician Locator of the Denver Medical Society. Choose Family Medicine or Internal Medicine and your city for a list of physicians.
The medicare find-a-physician site; enter your zip code in the first box, Medicine in the second.
Look on the back of your insurance card, where there is often a number for customer service.