The MiM Hospitalists are a systems-focused, grass-roots team of inpatient physicians — owned by Hospitalists and run by Hospitalists. Our physicians serve in leadership roles throughout the SCL Health Front Range system — our three hospitals of Saint Joseph, Good Samaritan and Lutheran. We are proud of our genesis from a handful of dedicated physicians to a highly efficient group — designed, implemented and managed by Hospitalists. We began in 2006 at St. Joseph’s in response to the rising demand for on-site 24/7 attending physician coverage, and expanded to Good Samaritan in 2007. In 2012, we came to Lutheran, realizing a dream to provide the entire system with general and internal medicine Hospitalist services, serving many diverse groups of primary care physicians and specialists with glowing accolades.

Why Choose Us? Here's Five Reasons...

1. We are You

The MiM Hospitalists are professional, dedicated, flexible and a happy bunch — because we make good choices with regard to schedules, performance improvement, quality and busy-ness bonuses. We love Denver and the outdoors, music, art and great restaurants. We have young families with yards, empty nests with city views and cosmopolitan lifestyles of every type.

2. We Understand Quality

Doctors need time to participate, cogitate and improve. We need hours to meet with families, callback PCPs, and communicate with nurses. MiM Hospitalists work closely with our hospitals — who recognize the value in our endeavors. Hospitalists do so much more than patient care, in order to provide best patient care. We are the developing and serving leaders that own quality improvement at our sites.

3. We Embrace Change

Because that is what it takes to succeed. We create flexible schedules as a group, plan trials of potential improvements in collaborative meetings, design systems and processes that serve our work — with all of our doctors contributing. As healthcare changes, we adapt and flex — be it bundled payment, 2 MNs, HCAHPs or EMRs, we are the doctors that study it up, figure it out, and share it around.

4. We Seek Partners, not Profit

MiM is owned by our doctors — fully 1/3 of our physicians are partners already. When we have monies left in the budget, we share them with our physicians, our staff, our partners — not shareholders. We bonus on quality measures, great billing, efficient documentation — whatever it takes to be a great Hospitalist. We can focus on quality care and life balance, because we only have to produce happy physicians and great medicine every year.

5. Family Requires No Apology

Our work is important; in fact, we think hospital medicine is one of the most important, most honorable and rewarding careers out there. But it is busy and stressful and intensive — so we need time off. Hobbies and happy homes lives make better Hospitalists. We work ten-hour day shifts — so we can be home at dinner. We work some twelve-hour shifts on the weekend, so there are fewer of them spent in the hospital. Our doctors have input into these things–we own what we create.

AMA RAND Study, October 2013

of our physicians felt it was possible to “provide high-quality care” while working with MiM, versus 73% in other surveyed practices


of our physicians were “satisfied overall” compared to 82% of other respondents